Vše jsme demonstrovali na případu amerických indiánů, kteří se bouří proti stavbě ropovodu na jejich území.
Žáci se mohli rozhodnout, zda chtějí v probírané kauze podpořit spíše indiány, nebo stavební firmy.
Zde jsou výsledky:
March 25, 2017
Roztylská 1860/1, 14800
Czech Republic, Prague
Dear American
I have
heard news about Dakota Access Pipeline, that government is building it under
your sacred tribal sites and you are protesting against and trying to stop it.
I have also read, that protesters had been hurt by police and they had been
sprayed with water cannons in freezing weather. That is awful. I think electing
a businessman as a president was wrong because he won't think about nation, the
incomes of the state will stand in the first place.
We must
care, where we live because we can change the world and we can make it better.
Building pipeline won't make it better. And we must learn how to respect other
religions and their rites. I am writing you because the situation in Dakota shocked. Everyone has rights and voice that deserves
to be heard. And as you can see the world knows and cares about you. I respect
all your efforts and I support you. You are not alone and I hope that you will
achieve what you want soon and I wish you a good luck
AruzhanAnna - Tereza Tomaierová
Letter to
support the Native Americans protesting the Dakota Access pipeline
citizens of Dakota,
I would like to express my support the
protesting the Dakota Access pipeline. In this world people stand against
people. They draw their power from property and power. People were humans until
power, religion and property splitted them. And this is what is happening right
now. How can anyone prioritize something at the expense of peoples homes in
matter of money? How can be decided that the pipelines should be in place of
your home like you are something less than other people in the state? I
definitely do not agree with this project. I believe there are many people and
groups that are by you and support you all as well although they are not on the
same continent. The leader of the state should first respect the interests of
citizens. But if he do not, it is sad because they trusted him and that was why
he became who he is today.
The next
thing is pullution of environment of course. What about farmers soil, risk of
accidents and devastating of nature in general? I do not know how long will our
planet Earth be able to resist all these changes and human activities but until
the end we have to respect and get along with each other.
We are all humans. You have your rights to
disagree and refuse changes . Do not let anybody take them away.
Dear Donald Trump I'm writting this letter to you because of
the problem in Dakota with oil well.
I heard that you want to allow to finish that construction.
And I think you are making a mistake. It would be destroying so many nature
that's also why you shouldn't allow it. You can't destroy something what
doesn't belong to you or to ''your'' country. You can't do just everything for
money, maybe you would did that when you weren't a president. But the president
should be respectful to the original habitants and be respectful to everyone in
his country. Not to do just everything for money or for destroy etnicities. So
that's all what I want to write to you. I hope you will read it and you will
think about it. Because it would be nice from you to stop it and you will
surprie so many people with this gesture.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Your dear Lukas.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Your dear Lukas.
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